Community Infrastructure Levy
Bedwas Trethomas & Machen Community Council receives 15% of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts from certain liable developments within the BTM area. The CIL is administered by the Planning Service within Caerphilly County Borough Council.
To date the BTM Community Council has received £57,784 to spend on local projects.
Funds have been committed in partnership with CCBC towards new play facilities in Bryn Park in Trethomas, an outdoor gym in the adjoining field and converting one of the tennis courts by Bedwas Bowling Club into a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
BTM Community Council also intend to provide a bench at the children’s section at Bedwas Cemetery and plant wild flowers in the on the road verges through Machen, Trethomas and Bedwas.
Suggestions for future projects can be sent to the Clerk. Please note that they should have a lasting benefit for both residents and visitors.